Anti Bullying

Welcome to Richmond Park School: Promoting a Culture of Respect and Kindness

At Richmond Park School, we are dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels valued, respected, and supported. Central to our ethos is our unwavering commitment to combating bullying in all its forms. We believe that every member of our school community has the right to learn and thrive without fear of harassment or intimidation. Through proactive measures, education, and support, we strive to cultivate a culture of respect, empathy, and kindness, where bullying has no place. Join us in our mission to stand up, speak out, and create a school where everyone feels safe and accepted.

The following leaflet was created in collaboration with our school’s Parent Council to help parents/carers understand what bullying is, the steps you can take to report incidents of bullying to the school, as well as what you can expect from us as a school to deal with any incidents:

For additional support and information about bullying from external sources, please click the following links: