Daily Routines

To ensure the children’s safety on a day-to-day basis, we have a variety of systems in place. Where relevant, we ask parents to support and fully adhere to these arrangements at all times: 

  • All external doors are locked during the school day and entrance to the school can only be made via our main entrance.
  • On-site parking is restricted to school staff only. A member of staff is present at the school gate from 8:45-9am every day to ensure that no unrestricted vehicles enter the car park while children are entering the school premises. Bollards are also in place to ensure that cars are unable to cross the walkway in the car park where pupils walk into the building.
  • All members of staff wear their identity badges at all times during the school day.
  • Visiting adults need to sign in at the reception and wear visitor’s badges, as well as sign-out when leaving.
  • Adults working regularly with children will be subject to DBS checks.
  • All staff receive regular safeguarding training.

Morning Routine 

All students are welcome to join our complimentary Breakfast Club, which runs from 8:00 am to 8:45 am. The gate to the school field is open from 7:55am every day to allow children and parents/carers on to the school premises through the KS2 yard, where children will enter the club through the external school hall doors. Please note that no admittance is possible after 8:30 am. Consequently, students should refrain from arriving on school grounds between 8:30 am and 8:45 am, as there will be no supervision available during this time. Staff members from the Breakfast Club will escort pupils to their classes from 8:45am, where class teachers will take over their supervision.

We kindly ask that parents leave the school site immediately after dropping off their children, unless they need to contact the school reception to request information or make an appointment. It is fundamental that the children build their own independence and begin to organise their own morning routine. It is also important that the children have a calm and structured start to the day with full teacher engagement.  

At 9.00am the school gate will be locked. All parents need to have left the site by this point. Late children, parents/carers and visitors must then enter the school via our main entrance and report the lateness to the school office. 

Part-time Nursery pupils can be collected by their parents/carers from the Nursery access point (on the main school path) at 11am. Parents are responsible for the children’s safety from this point and should ensure that children are closely supervised when leaving the school site.

Evening Routine

The field and Key Stage 2 school gates are opened at 3.00pm to allow adults to collect their children from the Key Stage 2 yard. Nursery to Year 2 children should be collected at 3.05pm, whereas children from Years 3-6 should be collected at 3.15pm. Pupils in Years 5 & 6 are permitted to walk home alone, but written consent must be provided to the school by their parents/carers. Pupils without the written consent will not be permitted to walk home alone. The gate will be locked 15 minutes later at 3.30pm and everyone should have vacated the premises by this point. The school lollipop lady will be on duty to cross children and parents throughout this time.

An after-school club takes place every day from 3:15pm until 6pm. Pupils attending the club from their classes will be escorted to the club by a member of staff. Parents collecting their children from the club are asked to do so from the side access in our staff car park. Parents are responsible for the children’s safety from this point and should ensure that children are closely supervised when leaving the school site.

If you would like any further information about anything above, please feel free to contact us in school. Thank you! Diolch!